Get started
Here you can find the instructions for the SDK installation process. Make sure that your development environment is ready.
iOS installation
To work with the Crypterium framework, you need to use gem Cocoapods.
First, connect to the private repository and add it to your local storage. Run the terminal commands below:
$ pod repo add CryptoBox-iOS
$ pod repo add CRPTOndato
Next, initialize Cocoapods in your app project and add the code:
source ''
source ''
source ''
target '<Target name>' do
pod 'CryptoBox-iOS', '1.0'
Install pods. Import CRPTFramework to use Crypterium framework functionality.
Our framework uses system features like camera, photo gallery, contact list, Face ID, Touch ID. For correct work, you need to add the lines below into your Info.plist file:
<string>To scan QR codes and documents photo</string>
<string>This allows Crypterium to select friends from your contact list</string>
<string>Do you want to use your face instead of PIN-code to access the app?</string>
<string>To upload documents</string>
Crypterium support service or manager provides a partner with an identifier (merchantId). If you don't have them, please, contact our technical support or your personal manager. To work with the SDK, initialize a CrypteriumAPI
object using merchantId
CrypteriumAPI.init(merchantId: String, applicationName: String)
Income parameters
name | type | description |
merchantId | String | merchant identifier of uuid format, provided by Crypterium support service or manager |
applicationName | String | application name |
Android installation
To integrate the Crypterium SDK, you need to add the libs/common-release.aar and libs/walletSDK-release.aar library files to the your project. Use settings from settings.gradle file. Add the code below to the build.gradle of the project:
apply from: rootProject.file('dependencyVersions.gradle')
apply from: rootProject.file('commonDependences.gradle')
Crypterium support service or manager provides a partner with an identifier (merchantId). If you don't have them, please, contact our technical support or your personal manager. To work with the SDK, initialize a CrypteriumAPI
object using merchantId
CrypteriumAPI.init(context: Context, merchantId: String, applicationName: String)
Income parameters
name | type | description |
context | Context | application context |
merchantId | String | merchant identifier of uuid format, provided by Crypterium support service or manager |
applicationName | String | application name |
Updated almost 3 years ago